Butt Kicking🦵
For entrepreneurs, it’s hard to beat the feeling you get when you’re feeling motivated, crushing items on your to-do list, and otherwise kicking ass and taking names. There are a lot of factors that go into being productive, and it’s important to get the fundamentals correct. Once you’ve taken care of the fundamentals, what comes next? How do top performers find the energy to go the extra mile, pushing through lulls and overcoming obstacles?
Top Performers 🥇
What do Navy Seals, Tour de France cyclists, and brain coaches for top performers have in common? Many of them are taking exogenous ketone products such as Ketone-IQ. I was introduced to Ketone-IQ by the Huberman Labs podcast which is hosted by Dr. Andrew Huberman, a tenured Ph.D. at Stanford’s School of Neurobiology. I have been using Dr. Huberman’s Toolkit for Sleep to help me get more restful sleep. Additionally, I found success with the nootropic brand, Thesis, another of Huberman Lab’s recommendations. Since I’d been having success with other Huberman recommendations, I decided to give Ketone-IQ a try.
I’ve been taking Ketone-IQ for a little over a week and so far the benefits have been phenomenal. It may be a coincidence, but over the last week, I made 2 major breakthroughs at my day job. Today, I tried my first double shot of Ketone-IQ and I’m currently on the MBTA commuter line sipping cold brew coffee and writing more in a single hour than I did over the entire month of May. If I were to compare my brain to a car, it feels like I’ve given it E85 aka race fuel performance at gasoline prices.
Science 🧑🔬
I’ve been curious as to why Ketone-IQ has been so effective for me, so I decided to do some research to better understand how the human body produces energy. My understanding is that body burns carbohydrates, fat, and protein in order to generate energy. Carbohydrates are converted to glycogen, which is the body’s primary energy source, and burned before fat or protein. When the body has burned through its glycogen stores, it begins burning fat via a process called ketosis. When the body needs even more energy, the amino acids in skeletal muscle protein are converted to glycogen as a last resort1.
Ketone-IQ is an exogenous Ketone drink that can help put your body into a state of ketosis without fasting or dieting. Studies have shown that being in ketosis can improve people’s focus and energy, reduce inflammation, and help manage body weight. In the study On the Metabolism of Exogenous Ketones in Humans, they investigated the metabolic effects of Ketone Esters and Ketone Salts and concluded “exogenous ketone drinks are a practical, efficacious way to achieve ketosis”2. According to the Ketone-IQ site, “ketones are a more efficient fuel that can produce more power while using less oxygen” and “unlike fats, ketones can cross the blood-brain barrier, allowing ketones to fuel both the brain and the body”3. Ketone-IQ has been a valuable addition to my productivity stack and I encourage you to try it out.
Share Your Experience 🙋
What was your experience with Ketone-IQ? Please comment on this article and let me know – thanks!
Sources 📖
- https://us.humankinetics.com/blogs/excerpt/the-bodys-fuel-sources
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5670148/
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/24003-ketosis
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